import datetime
import tempfile

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import netCDF4

import pandas as pd

A simple, example forecast of population growth of two interacting species


Generating the forecast

To illustrate the application of the forecast standard, we’ll consider the classic Lotka-Volterra population growth model. To keep this first example simple, we’ll only consider two species and two uncertainties - an additive process error, which converts this to a stochastic Lotka-Volterra, and an observation error. We’ll propagate uncertainty by running multiple ensembles. To illustrate the ability of the output format to accommodate spatial dimensions, we’ll run the model at multiple depths in a water column (e.g. lake or ocean) but those depths are not interacting – we know this isn’t realistic, but we want to keep things simple. Overall, this gives us the following dimensions

forecast_start_time = as.Date("2001-03-04")  ## start date of our forecast
n_time <- 30
times = seq(from=forecast_start_time,by="1 day",length=n_time)

depths <- c(1, 3, 5)
n_depths <- length(depths)

n_ensembles <- 10
ensembles <- seq_len(n_ensembles)

species <- c("species_1","species_2")
n_species <- length(species)

obs_dim <- 2 ## 1 = latent state
             ## 2 = latent state + observation error
forecast_start_time =, 3, 4)
n_time = 30
times = [forecast_start_time + datetime.timedelta(days = x) for x in range(n_time)]

depths = [1, 3, 5]
n_depths = len(depths)

n_ensembles = 10
ensembles = list(range(n_ensembles))

species = ["species_1", "species_2"]
n_species = len(species)

obs_dim = 2 ## 1 = latent state, 2 = latent_state + observation error

Next we’re going to assume fixed parameters and initial conditions, set up storage for our forecast output (which we see has 5 dimensions), and then forward simulate the populations

## parameters for species_1 and species_2
r <- c(1, 3)
K <-  c(10, 20)
alpha <-  c(0.2, 0.3)

## process error
process_sd <- 0.01

## observation error
obs_sd <- c(0.5,0.2)

## initial conditions
n0 <-  0.5

## forecast output storage
n <- array(NA,dim = c(n_time, n_depths, n_ensembles, obs_dim,2)) ## last dim is species
n[1,,,,] <- n0

## forecast flag
forecast <- rep(as.integer(0), n_time) ## this code indicated a hindcast

## data assimilation flag
data_assimilation <- rep(as.integer(0), n_time)  ## this code indicates a 'free-run' that didn't assimilate new data

## forward simulation
for(t in 2:n_time){
  for(depth in 1:n_depths){
    for(ens in 1:n_ensembles){
      ## predict latent state
      n_curr <- n[t-1,depth,ens,1,] ## current state
      n[t, depth, ens,1,1] <-  n_curr[1] + 
          r[1]*n_curr[1]*(1-((n_curr[1] + 
          alpha[1]*n_curr[2])/K[1])) + rnorm(1, 0, process_sd)
      n[t, depth, ens,1,2] <-  n_curr[2] + 
          r[2]*n_curr[2]*(1-((n_curr[2] + 
          alpha[2]*n[1])/K[2])) + rnorm(1, 0, process_sd)
      ## predict observed values
      n[t,depth,ens,2,] = rnorm(2,n[t,depth,ens,1,],obs_sd)
r = [1, 3]
K = [10, 20]
alpha = [0.2, 0.3]

process_sd = 0.01
obs_sd = [0.5, 0.2]

n0 = 0.5

n = np.zeros((n_time, n_depths, n_ensembles, obs_dim, n_species))
n[0,:,:,:,:] = n0

forecast = np.zeros((n_time), dtype=int)
data_assimilation = np.zeros((n_time), dtype=int)

for t in range(1, n_time):
    for depth in range(n_depths):
        for ens in range(n_ensembles):
            # predict latent state
            n_curr = n[t-1,depth,ens,0,:]
            n[t, depth, ens, 0, 0] = n_curr[0] + \
                r[0] * n_curr[0] * \
                (1 - ((n_curr[0] + alpha[0]*n_curr[1]) / K[0])) + \
                np.random.randn(1) * process_sd
            n[t, depth, ens, 0, 1] = n_curr[1] + \
                r[1] * n_curr[1] * \
                (1 - ((n_curr[1] + alpha[1]*n_curr[0]) / K[1])) + \
                np.random.randn(1) * process_sd
            # predict observed values
            n[t,depth,ens,1,:] = n[t,depth,ens,0,:] + np.random.randn(2) * obs_sd

Here’s a simple visualization of our ensemble forecast at one depth

plot(times,n[,1,1,1,1],ylim=range(n),ylab="Population Density",type='l')
for(s in seq_along(species)){ ##species
  for(e in ensembles){
    lines(times,n[,1,e,1,s],col=s)                                  ## latent
    points(times+runif(n_time,-0.12,0.12),n[,1,e,2,s],col=s,cex=0.35)  ## pseudo-obs w/ jitter
legend("bottomright",legend=species,col = seq_along(species),lty = 1)

plt.plot(times, n[:,0,0,0,0], "-")
colors = ["r", "b"]
for s in range(n_species):
    for e in range(n_ensembles):
        plt.plot(times, n[:,0,e,0,s], "-", color=colors[s])
        plt.plot(times, n[:,0,e,1,s], "+", color=colors[s])
leg_lines = [plt.Line2D([0], [0], color=colors[x]) for x in range(n_species)]
leg_labs = [f"Species {x}" for x in range(n_species)]
plt.legend(leg_lines, leg_labs)
plt.ylabel("Population Density")

Saving to a standardized output format

Standard Option 1: netCDF

Forecast identifiers

Because netCDF is a self-documenting format we’re going to start by defining some forecast identifiers (which we’ll also later use in the metadata)

forecast_project_id identifies forecasts coming from a single project and is used to link forecasts different model versions. Examples might include a project Github repository or a team name.

forecast_model_id is updated each time the forecast code is modified (e.g. model structure, model calibration, forecast workflow). Examples might be a DOI, version number, or Github hash. Results from a single forecast_model_id are considered comparable.

forecast_iteration_id represents a unique ID for each forecast run. Examples might be a start time or database ID.

For example, if you have a forecast code base on GitHub and launch a forecast from that code that runs daily for 365 days, then there will be one forecast_project_id and 365 forecast_iteration_ids. A paper analyzing the forecasts would cite the forecast_project_id.

forecast_project_id <- "LogisticDemo"
forecast_model_id   <- "v0.3"
forecast_iteration_id <- "20010304T060000"   # ISO datetime should make a valid Forecast_id
forecast_project_id = "LogisticDemo"
forecast_model_id = "v0.3"
forecast_iteration_id = "20010304T060000"

netcdf Dimensions

Once we have our ID’s defined, we’re going to use ncdim_def to define the dimensions that our output variables will have

## Set dimensions
timedim <- ncdim_def("time",   ## dimension name
                     units = paste('days since',forecast_start_time),
                               ## size of timestep, with units and start date
                     vals = as.numeric(times - forecast_start_time),
                               ## sequence of values that defines the dimension.
                               ## netCDF expresses time dimensions relative to a
                               ## specified start date, in this case forecast_start_time
                     longname = 'time')
                               ## descriptive name

depthdim <- ncdim_def("depth", 
                      units = "meters",
                      vals = depths, 
                      longname = 'Depth from surface') 

parmdim <- ncdim_def("parameter",             
                    units = "",
                    vals = ensembles,       
                    longname = 'ensemble member') 

obsdim <- ncdim_def("obs_flag",
                    units = "",
                    vals = 1:obs_dim,
                    longname = "observation error flag. 1 = latent state, 2 = w/ obs error")

## quick check that units are valid$units)
## [1] TRUE$units)
## [1] TRUE$units)
## [1] TRUE$units)
## [1] TRUE

Note that unlike R, the Python interface expects us to create the output NetCDF file first before populating it with output.

ncfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".nc")
ncout = netCDF4.Dataset(, mode='w')

timedim = ncout.createDimension("time", n_time)
timevar = ncout.createVariable("time", "f4", "time")
timevar.units = f"days since {forecast_start_time}"
timevar[:] = [(t - forecast_start_time).days for t in times]

depthdim = ncout.createDimension("depth", n_depths)
depthvar = ncout.createVariable("depth", "f4", "depth")
depthvar.units = "meters"
depthvar[:] = depths

parmdim = ncout.createDimension("parameter", n_ensembles)
parmvar = ncout.createVariable("parameter", "i4", "parameter")
parmvar.units = ""
parmvar[:] = ensembles

obsdim = ncout.createDimension("obs_flag", obs_dim)
obsvar = ncout.createVariable("obs_flag", "i4", "obs_flag")
obsvar.units = ""
obsvar[:] = list(range(obs_dim))

Variable names

Once we’ve defined our dimensions, we can then define the metadata about our variables using ncvar_def

fillvalue <- 1e32  ## missing data value

#Define variables
def_list <- list()
def_list[[1]] <- ncvar_def(name =  "species_1",
                           units = "number of individuals",
                           dim = list(timedim, depthdim, parmdim, obsdim),
                           missval = fillvalue,
                           longname = '<scientific name of species 1>',
def_list[[2]] <- ncvar_def(name =  "species_2",
                           units = "number of individuals",
                           dim = list(timedim, depthdim, parmdim, obsdim),
                           missval = fillvalue,
                           longname = '<scientific name of species 2>',
def_list[[3]] <- ncvar_def(name =  "forecast",
                           units = "integer",
                           dim = list(timedim),
                           missval = fillvalue,
                           longname = 'EFI standard forecast code. 0 = hindcast',
def_list[[4]] <- ncvar_def(name =  "data_assimilation",
                           units = "integer",
                           dim = list(timedim),
                           missval = fillvalue,
                           longname = 'EFI standard data assimilation code. 0 = no data',
spp1nc = ncout.createVariable("species_1", "f4", ("time", "depth", "parameter", "obs_flag"))
spp1nc.units = "number of individuals"
spp1nc.longname = "<scientific name of species 1>"

spp2nc = ncout.createVariable("species_2", "f4", ("time", "depth", "parameter", "obs_flag"))
spp2nc.units = "number of individuals"
spp2nc.longname = "<scientific name of species 2>"

forecastnc = ncout.createVariable("forecast", "i4", ("time"))
forecastnc.units = "integer"
forecastnc.longname = "EFI standard forecast code. 0 = hindcast"

danc = ncout.createVariable("data_assimilation", "i4", ("time"))
danc.units = "integer"
danc.longname = "EFI standard data assimilation code. 0 = no data"

Creating the file

Finally, we’ll now create our netCDF file and add our outputs and global metadata to the file

## file name
ncfname <- ""

## open your netCDF file
ncout <- nc_create(ncfname,def_list,force_v4=T)

## fill in our output data
ncvar_put(ncout,def_list[[1]] , n[, , , ,1 ])        ## species 1
ncvar_put(ncout,def_list[[2]] , n[, , , ,2 ])        ## species 2
ncvar_put(ncout,def_list[[3]] , forecast) ## forecast flag
ncvar_put(ncout,def_list[[4]] , data_assimilation) ## data_assimilation flag

## Global attributes (metadata)
ncatt_put(ncout,0,"forecast_project_id", as.character(forecast_project_id), 
          prec =  "text")
          prec =  "text")
          prec =  "text")

nc_close(ncout)   ## make sure to close the file

Recall: We already created the file above.

# Write data to file
spp1nc[:,:,:,:] = n[:,:,:,:,0]
spp2nc[:,:,:,:] = n[:,:,:,:,1]
forecastnc[:] = forecast
danc[:] = data_assimilation

# Set global attributes (metadata)
ncout.forecast_project_id = forecast_project_id
ncout.forecast_model_id = forecast_model_id
ncout.forecast_iteration_id = forecast_iteration_id


Standard Option 2: ensemble CSV

Convert to a flat file format (CSV) with one column for each variable and all ensemble members saved

## wrangle data from an array into a long format
df_combined <- reshape2::melt(n,varnames=c("time","depth","parameter","obs_flag","species")) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = 1:4,names_from = "species",names_prefix = "species_",values_from = "value") %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("species"),names_to = "variable",values_to = "prediction") %>%
  mutate(time = times[time]) %>%
  mutate(depth = depths[depth]) %>%
  right_join(tibble(time=times,forecast=forecast,data_assimilation = data_assimilation))
## Joining, by = "time"
## # A tibble: 10 × 8
##    time       depth parameter obs_flag variable  prediction forecast
##    <date>     <dbl>     <int>    <int> <chr>          <dbl>    <int>
##  1 2001-03-04     1         1        1 species_1      0.5          0
##  2 2001-03-04     1         1        1 species_2      0.5          0
##  3 2001-03-05     1         1        1 species_1      0.984        0
##  4 2001-03-05     1         1        1 species_2      1.95         0
##  5 2001-03-06     1         1        1 species_1      1.82         0
##  6 2001-03-06     1         1        1 species_2      7.16         0
##  7 2001-03-07     1         1        1 species_1      3.04         0
##  8 2001-03-07     1         1        1 species_2     20.8          0
##  9 2001-03-08     1         1        1 species_1      3.88         0
## 10 2001-03-08     1         1        1 species_2     17.8          0
## # … with 1 more variable: data_assimilation <int>
          file = "logistic-forecast-ensemble-multi-variable-multi-depth.csv")

** this code needs updating for the new format**

n_names = ["time", "depth", "ensemble", "obs_flag", "species"]
n_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([range(s) for s in n.shape], names=n_names)
df = pd.DataFrame({"pop": n.flatten()}, index = n_index)["pop"]

df_wide = df.unstack("species").reset_index()
df_wide["time"] = [times[x] for x in df_wide["time"]]
df_wide["depth"] = [depths[x] for x in df_wide["depth"]]
df_wide.rename(columns={0: "Species_1", 1: "Species_2"}, inplace=True)

meta_df = pd.DataFrame({"time": times, "forecast": forecast, "data_assimilation": data_assimilation})

df_combined = df_wide.merge(meta_df, on="time", how="right")
##          time  depth  ensemble  ...  Species_2  forecast  data_assimilation
## 0  2001-03-04      1         0  ...        0.5         0                  0
## 1  2001-03-04      1         0  ...        0.5         0                  0
## 2  2001-03-04      1         1  ...        0.5         0                  0
## 3  2001-03-04      1         1  ...        0.5         0                  0
## 4  2001-03-04      1         2  ...        0.5         0                  0
## [5 rows x 8 columns]
out_csv = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".csv")

Standard Option 3: distributional CSV

Convert to a flat file format (CSV) with forecast distributions saved

## calculate summary statistics across ensemble members and output variables
dfs <- df_combined %>% add_column(family="normal") %>%
                   group_by(time, depth,family,obs_flag,variable,forecast,data_assimilation) %>%
                   summarize(mu = mean(prediction),
                             sigma   = sd(prediction)) %>%
                   pivot_longer(8:9,names_to="parameter",values_to = "predictions") %>%
                   relocate(parameter,.after = family) %>%
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'time', 'depth', 'family', 'obs_flag',
## 'variable', 'forecast'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 10 × 9
## # Groups:   time, depth, family, obs_flag, variable, forecast [5]
##    time       depth family parameter obs_flag variable  predictions forecast
##    <date>     <dbl> <chr>  <chr>        <int> <chr>           <dbl>    <int>
##  1 2001-03-04     1 normal mu               1 species_1         0.5        0
##  2 2001-03-04     1 normal sigma            1 species_1         0          0
##  3 2001-03-04     1 normal mu               1 species_2         0.5        0
##  4 2001-03-04     1 normal sigma            1 species_2         0          0
##  5 2001-03-04     1 normal mu               2 species_1         0.5        0
##  6 2001-03-04     1 normal sigma            2 species_1         0          0
##  7 2001-03-04     1 normal mu               2 species_2         0.5        0
##  8 2001-03-04     1 normal sigma            2 species_2         0          0
##  9 2001-03-04     3 normal mu               1 species_1         0.5        0
## 10 2001-03-04     3 normal sigma            1 species_1         0          0
## # … with 1 more variable: data_assimilation <int>
write.csv(dfs, file = "logistic-forecast-summary-multi-variable-multi-depth.csv")
keep_cols = [col for col in df_combined.columns if not "Species" in col]
df_long = df_combined.melt(id_vars=keep_cols, var_name="species")

dfs_wide = df_long\
    .groupby(["time", "depth", "obs_flag", "species", "forecast", "data_assimilation"])\
        mean = ("value", np.mean), sd = ("value", np.std),
        Conf_interv_025 = ("value", lambda x: np.quantile(x, 0.025)),
        Conf_interv_975 = ("value", lambda x: np.quantile(x, 0.975)),
        id_vars = ["time", "depth", "obs_flag", "forecast",
                   "data_assimilation", "species"],
        value_vars = ["mean", "sd", "Conf_interv_025", "Conf_interv_975"],
        var_name = "statistic"

dfs = dfs_wide.pivot(
    index = ["time", "depth", "obs_flag", "forecast",
             "data_assimilation", "statistic"],
    values = "value"

## species        time  depth  obs_flag  ...        statistic  Species_1 Species_2
## 0        2001-03-04      1         0  ...  Conf_interv_025        0.5       0.5
## 1        2001-03-04      1         0  ...  Conf_interv_975        0.5       0.5
## 2        2001-03-04      1         0  ...             mean        0.5       0.5
## 3        2001-03-04      1         0  ...               sd        0.0       0.0
## 4        2001-03-04      1         1  ...  Conf_interv_025        0.5       0.5
## [5 rows x 8 columns]
out_summary = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".csv")

Standardized Metadata

Forecast output entity: dataTable

Let’s begin by documenting the metadata of the forecast output data table itself, which we’ll do using EML’s dataTable entity. In this example we’ll assume we’re working with format 2 (ensemble CSV), though most of the metadata would be identical for all three formats.

To start, the attributes table stores the basic metadata about the variable names and units.

## define variable names, units, etc
## in practice, this might be kept in a spreadsheet
attributes <- tibble::tribble(
 ~attributeName,     ~attributeDefinition,                          ~unit,                  ~formatString, ~numberType, ~definition,
 "time",              "[dimension]{time}",                          "year",                 "YYYY-MM-DD",  "numberType", NA,
 "depth",             "[dimension]{depth in reservior}",            "meter",                 NA,           "real",       NA,
 "ensemble",          "[dimension]{index of ensemble member}",      "dimensionless",         NA,           "integer",    NA,
 "obs_flag",          "[dimension]{observation error}",             "dimensionless",         NA,           "integer",    NA,
 "species_1",         "[variable]{Pop. density of species 1}",      "numberPerMeterSquared", NA,           "real",       NA,
 "species_2",         "[variable]{Pop. density of species 2}",      "numberPerMeterSquared", NA,           "real",       NA,
 "forecast",          "[flag]{whether time step assimilated data}", "dimensionless",         NA,           "integer",    NA,
 "data_assimilation", "[flag]{whether time step assimilated data}", "dimensionless",         NA,           "integer",    NA
## note: EML uses a different unit standard than UDUNITS. For now use EML. EFI needs to provide a custom unitList.
## # A tibble: 8 × 6
##   attributeName     attributeDefinition unit  formatString numberType definition
##   <chr>             <chr>               <chr> <chr>        <chr>      <lgl>     
## 1 time              [dimension]{time}   year  YYYY-MM-DD   numberType NA        
## 2 depth             [dimension]{depth … meter NA           real       NA        
## 3 ensemble          [dimension]{index … dime… NA           integer    NA        
## 4 obs_flag          [dimension]{observ… dime… NA           integer    NA        
## 5 species_1         [variable]{Pop. de… numb… NA           real       NA        
## 6 species_2         [variable]{Pop. de… numb… NA           real       NA        
## 7 forecast          [flag]{whether tim… dime… NA           integer    NA        
## 8 data_assimilation [flag]{whether tim… dime… NA           integer    NA
attrList <- set_attributes(attributes, 
                           col_classes = c("Date", "numeric", "numeric","numeric", 
                                           "numeric","numeric", "numeric","numeric"))

(Under construction)

Note that the EFI standard extends the EML attibuteDefinition to include a [variable_type] and {variable_definition}. The options for [variable_type] include: * dimension * variable = output variable * diagnostic = variable output purely for diagnostic purposes * observation = data that is or could be compared to an output_variable * obs_error * flag * initial_condition * driver * parameter * random_effect * process_error

We then link the attribute information with the info about a particular file

## sets metadata about the file itself (name, file type, size, MD5, etc)
physical <- set_physical("logistic-forecast-ensemble-multi-variable-multi-depth.csv",
## Automatically calculated file size using file.size("logistic-forecast-ensemble-multi-variable-multi-depth.csv")
## Automatically calculated authentication size using digest::digest("logistic-forecast-ensemble-multi-variable-multi-depth.csv", algo = "md5", file = TRUE)
## set metadata for the file as a whole
dataTable <- eml$dataTable(
                 entityName = "forecast",  ## this is a standard name to allow us to distinguish this entity from 
                 entityDescription = "Forecast of population size using a depth specific model",
                 physical = physical,
                 attributeList = attrList)

(Under construction)

Here entityName = "forecast" is a standard name within the EFI standard to allow us to distinguish this entity from metadata about parameters, drivers, etc.

There’s a lot more optional terminology that could be exploited here – for instance, the specification lets us define different missing value codes (and explanations) for each column, and allows us to indicate precision, minimum and maximum.

Note that physical type can document almost any formats as well, including NetCDF etc. A NetCDF file would still document the variables measured in much the same way regardless of the underlying representation.


Now that we’ve documented the actual data.frame itself, we can add additional metadata to the record describing our forecast, which is essential for citing, discovering, and interpreting the result. We start with some authorship information.

me <- list(individualName = list(givenName = "Quinn", 
                                 surName = "Thomas"),
           electronicMailAddress = "",
           id = "")

(Under construction)


Set Taxonomic, Temporal, and Geographic Coverage. (Look, apparently we’re modeling population densities of Gloeotrichia echinulata and Anabaena circinalis cyanobacterium in Lake Sunapee, NH, USA)

taxa <- tibble::tribble(
  ~Genus,      ~Species,
"Gloeotrichia", "echinulata",
"Anabaena",     "circinalis")
coverage <- 
  set_coverage(begin = first(times), 
               end = last(times),
               sci_names = taxa,
               geographicDescription = "Lake Sunapee, NH, USA ",
               west = -72.15, east = -72.05, 
               north = 43.48, south = 43.36)

(Under construction)


Set key words. We will need to develop a EFI controlled vocabulary

keywordSet <- list(
        keywordThesaurus = "EFI controlled vocabulary",
        keyword = list("forecast",

(Under construction)


Our dataset needs an abstract describing what this is all about.

abstract_text <- system.file("extdata", "", package="EFIstandards", mustWork = TRUE)

(Under construction)


Next, we’ll combine these various bits to document the output dataset as a whole

dataset = eml$dataset(
               title = "A very simple Lotka-Volterra forecast",
               creator = me,
               contact = list(references=""),
               pubDate = forecast_start_time,
               intellectualRights = "",
               abstract =  "An illustration of how we might use EML metadata to describe an ecological forecast",
               dataTable = dataTable,
               keywordSet = keywordSet,
               coverage = coverage

(Under construction)

Forecast-specific additionalMetadata

The EFI standard is using EML’s additionalMetadata capacity. Section 2.1 of the EFI standard describes both the basic elements (2.1.1) and the info about model structure and uncertainty (2.1.2).

additionalMetadata <- eml$additionalMetadata(
  metadata = list(
    forecast = list(
## Basic elements
      timestep = "1 day", ## should be udunits parsable; already in coverage -> temporalCoverage?
      forecast_horizon = "30 days",
      forecast_start_time = forecast_start_time,
      forecast_issue_time = Sys.time(),
      forecast_iteration_id = forecast_iteration_id,
      forecast_project_id = forecast_project_id,
      metadata_standard_version = "0.3",
      model_description = list(
        forecast_model_id = forecast_model_id,
        name = "discrete Lotka–Volterra model",
        type = "process-based",
        repository = ""
      initial_conditions = list(
        # Possible values: absent, present, data_driven, propagates, assimilates
        status = "present",
        # Number of parameters / dimensionality
        complexity = 2  ## [species 1, species 2] per depth
      drivers = list(
        status = "absent"
      parameters = list(
        status = "present",
        complexity = 6  ## [r, K, alpha] x 2 spp
      random_effects = list(
        status = "absent"
      process_error = list(
        status = "propagates",
        propagation = list(
          type = "ensemble", # ensemble vs analytic
          size = 10          # required if ensemble
        complexity = 2,   
        covariance = FALSE
      obs_error = list(
        status = "present",
        complexity = 2,   
        covariance = FALSE
    ) # forecast
  ) # metadata
) # eml$additionalMetadata

(Under construction)

Within the additionalMetadata, we anticipate the model structure info will be the most challenging to document. All six model structural elements / uncertainty classes need to be documented, even if just to record that a specific element is absent in the model. The six classes are:

Class Description
initial_conditions Uncertainty in the initialization of state variables (Y)
drivers Uncertainty in model drivers, covariates, and exogenous scenarios (X)
parameters Uncertainty in model parameters (\(\theta\))
random_effects Unexplained variability and heterogeneity in model parameters (\(\alpha\))
obs_error Uncertainty in the observations of the output variables (g)
process_error Dynamic uncertainty in the process model (\(\epsilon\))

Each class has a very similar structure and the only required element in each is status which can take on the following valid values

status Description
absent This model does not contain this concept (e.g. a linear regression model doesn’t have initial conditions, random effects, or process_error).
present The model contains this concept (e.g. the model has parameters), but the values used are not derived from data and no uncertainty is represented
data_driven The model contains this concept and the inputs are data driven but uncertainty in this input is not explicitly propagated into predictions.
propagates The model propagates uncertainty about this term into forecasts
assimilates The model iteratively updates this term through data assimilation.

Except for ‘absent’ this list is ordinal (e.g. data_driven implies present)

Next, the <complexity> tag is recommended, but not required, and should list the size/dimension of each status/uncertainty class at a single location (per dimensions defined above). For example, the logistic model has two initial conditions (n[1], n[2]), six parameters (r, K, and alpha for each species), and both process and observation error on the two state variables. absent statuses don’t need to be documented as 0 as this is implied.

The <covariance> tag states whether the errors/uncertainties within an uncertainty class are being treated as independent or not.

Finally, the <propagation> and <assimilation> tags provide additional information about the methods used (see EFI standard doc).

Assembling and validating the metadata

All we need now is to combine the dataset metadata with the forecast additionalMetadata

my_eml <- eml$eml(dataset = dataset,
           additionalMetadata = additionalMetadata,
           packageId = forecast_iteration_id , 
           system = "datetime"  ## system used to generate packageId

(Under construction)

Once we have finished building our EML metadata, we can confirm it is valid.
This will catch any missing elements. (Recall that what is ‘required’ depends on what you include – for example, you don’t have to document a dataTable at all, but if you do, you have to document the “physical” file format it is in
(e.g. csv) and the attributes and units it uses!)

## check base EML
## [1] TRUE
## attr(,"errors")
## character(0)
## check that the EML is also a valid EFI forecast
##  Checking Validity of EML file...
##  EML is valid
##  additionalMetadata found
##  timestep parsable
##  forecast_horizon parsable
##  forecast_issue_time found
##  forecast_iteration_id found
##  forecast_project_id found
##  metadata_standard_version found
##  model_description found
##  forecast_model_id found
##  name found
##  type found
##  repository found
##  initial_conditions found
##  status found
##  initial_conditions status/uncertainty class valid: present
##  complexity valid
##  parameters found
##  status found
##  parameters status/uncertainty class valid: present
##  complexity valid
##  drivers found
##  status found
##  drivers status/uncertainty class valid: absent
##  random_effects found
##  status found
##  random_effects status/uncertainty class valid: absent
##  process_error found
##  status found
##  process_error status/uncertainty class valid: propagates
##  complexity valid
##  type found
##  process_error propagation type valid: ensemble
##  size valid
##  obs_error found
##  status found
##  obs_error status/uncertainty class valid: present
##  complexity valid
## [1] TRUE
## attr(,"errors")
## character(0)

(Under construction)

We are now ready to write out a valid EML document:

write_eml(my_eml, "forecast-eml.xml")

(Under construction)

At this point, we could easily upload this metadata along with the data itself to a repository (e.g. DataONE) manually or via an API.

We can also generate a JSON-LD version of EML:

emld::as_json(as_emld("forecast-eml.xml"), file = "forecast-eml.json")

(Under construction)