This page visualizes the forecasts and forecast performance for the focal target variables.
Most recent forecasts
Only the top performing models from the last 30 days are shown.
Forecasts submitted on 2025-03-27
River Chlorophyll-a
Forecast summaries are available here
Forecast analysis
Below are forecasts submitted 30 days ago and include the observations used to evaluate them. Mouse over to see the team id, scroll to zoom. Only the top five performing models are shown. Information on how to access the scores can be found in our catalog
Aggregated scores
Average skill scores of each model across all sites.
Scores are shown by reference date and forecast horizon (in days).
Scores are averaged across all submissions of the model with a given horizon or a given reference_datetime
using submissions made since 2024-03-28.
Learn about the continous ranked probablity score here