Appendix B — Docker Container
We provide a R-focused docker container that can be used in GitHub Actions or other workflows for generating forecasts.
The container eco4cast/rocker-neon4cast
can be found on Docker Hub ( eco4cast/rocker-binder
also avialable and is the same as eco4cast/rocker-neon4cast
but minor differences that are specific for using as a Binder. Both containers are built off the rocker/geospatial:latest
image and include Rstudio.
Follow the directions at for launching the container locally from your web browser (requires a local installation of Docker Desktop)
Both containers have the following R packages (including neon4cast specific packages):
Package Version
abind 1.4-5
anytime 0.3.9
arrayhelpers 1.1-0
arrow 9.0.0
askpass 1.1
assertthat 0.2.1
aws.s3 0.3.22
aws.signature 0.6.0
backports 1.4.1
base64enc 0.1-3
bench 1.1.2
BH 1.78.0-0
BiocManager 1.30.18
BiocVersion 3.15.2
bit 4.0.4
bit64 4.0.5
bitops 1.0-7
blob 1.2.3
blogdown 1.11
bookdown 0.28
brew 1.0-7
brio 1.1.3
broom 1.0.1
bslib 0.4.0
cachem 1.0.6
callr 3.7.2
cellranger 1.1.0
checkmate 2.1.0
classInt 0.4-7
cli 3.3.0
clipr 0.8.0
coda 0.19-4
colorspace 2.0-3
commonmark 1.8.0
contentid 0.0.15
covr 3.6.0
cpp11 0.4.2
crayon 1.5.1
credentials 1.3.2
cronR 0.4.2
crosstalk 1.2.0
curl 4.3.2
data.table 1.14.2
DBI 1.1.3
dbplyr 2.2.1
deldir 1.0-6
desc 1.4.1
devtools 2.4.4
DiagrammeR 1.0.9
dichromat 2.0-0.1
diffobj 0.3.5
digest 0.6.29
distill 1.4
distributional 0.3.0
docopt 0.7.1
downlit 0.4.2
downloader 0.4
dplyr 1.0.10
dtplyr 1.2.2
duckdb 0.4.0
e1071 1.7-11
ecoforecastR 0.1.0
EFIstandards 0.1.1
ellipsis 0.3.2
emld 0.5.1
evaluate 0.16
expm 0.999-6
fable 0.3.2
fabletools 0.3.2
fansi 1.0.3
farver 2.1.1
fastmap 1.1.0
flexdashboard 0.6.0
fontawesome 0.3.0
forcats 0.5.2
forecast 8.17.0
fracdiff 1.5-1
fs 1.5.2
fst 0.9.8
fstcore 0.9.12
gargle 1.2.0
generics 0.1.3
geojsonsf 2.0.3
geometries 0.2.0
geoR 1.9-2
geosphere 1.5-14
gert 1.7.1
ggdist 3.2.0
ggplot2 3.3.6
ggtext 0.1.1
gh 1.3.0
gitcreds 0.1.1
glue 1.6.2
goftest 1.2-3
googledrive 2.0.0
googlesheets4 1.0.1
gridExtra 2.3
gridtext 0.1.4
gstat 2.0-9
gtable 0.3.1
gtools 3.9.3
haven 2.5.1
hdf5r 1.3.5
HDInterval 0.2.2
highr 0.9
hms 1.1.2
htmltools 0.5.3
htmlwidgets 1.5.4
httpuv 1.6.5
httr 1.4.4
ids 1.0.1
igraph 1.3.4
imputeTS 3.2
ini 0.3.1
intervals 0.15.2
isoband 0.2.5
ISOweek 0.6-2
jpeg 0.1-9
jqr 1.2.3
jquerylib 0.1.4
jsonify 1.2.1
jsonld 2.2
jsonlite 1.8.0
knitr 1.40
labeling 0.4.2
Lahman 10.0-1
later 1.3.0
lazyeval 0.2.2
leafem 0.2.0
leaflet 2.1.1
leaflet.providers 1.9.0
leafpop 0.1.0
leafsync 0.1.0
LearnBayes 2.15.1
lidR 4.0.1
lifecycle 1.0.1
littler 0.3.15
lmtest 0.9-40
lubridate 1.8.0
lwgeom 0.2-8
magrittr 2.0.3
mapdata 2.3.0
maps 3.4.0
maptools 1.1-4
mapview 2.11.0
markdown 1.1
matrixStats 0.62.0
memoise 2.0.1
mime 0.12
modelr 0.1.9
munsell 0.5.0
ncdf4 1.19
ncmeta 0.3.0
neon4cast 0.1.0
neonstore 0.4.4
numDeriv 2016.8-1.1
nycflights13 1.0.2
openssl 2.0.2
packrat 0.8.1
pillar 1.8.1
pkgbuild 1.3.1
pkgconfig 2.0.3
pkgdown 2.0.6
pkgload 1.3.0
plogr 0.2.0
plyr 1.8.7
png 0.1-7
polyclip 1.10-0
posterior 1.3.0
praise 1.0.0
prettyunits 1.1.1
processx 3.7.0
profmem 0.6.0
profvis 0.3.7
progress 1.2.2
progressr 0.10.1
proj4 1.0-11
prov 0.0.1
proxy 0.4-27
ps 1.7.1
purrr 0.3.4
quadprog 1.5-8
quantmod 0.4.20
R.methodsS3 1.8.2
R.oo 1.25.0
R.utils 2.12.0
r2d3 0.2.6
R6 2.5.1
ragg 1.2.2
rapidjsonr 1.2.0
rappdirs 0.3.3
raster 3.5-29
rcmdcheck 1.4.0
RColorBrewer 1.1-3
Rcpp 1.0.9
RCurl 1.98-1.8
read4cast 0.0.2
readr 2.1.2
readxl 1.4.1
redland 1.0.17-16
rematch 1.0.1
rematch2 2.1.2
remotes 2.4.2
renv 0.15.5
reprex 2.0.2
rex 1.2.1
rgdal 1.5-32
rgeos 0.5-9
rgl 0.109.6
rhdf5 2.40.0
rhdf5filters 1.8.0
Rhdf5lib 1.18.2
rjags 4-13
rJava 1.0-6
rlang 1.0.5
rlas 1.6.0
RMariaDB 1.2.2
rmarkdown 2.16
rmdshower 2.1.1
RNetCDF 2.6-1
roxygen2 7.2.1
RPostgres 1.4.4
rprojroot 2.0.3
rsconnect 0.8.27
RSQLite 2.2.16
rstudioapi 0.14
rticles 0.24
rversions 2.1.1
rvest 1.0.3
s2 1.1.0
sass 0.4.2
satellite 1.0.4
scales 1.2.1
scoringRules 1.0.1
selectr 0.4-2
servr 0.24
sessioninfo 1.2.2
sf 1.0-8
sfheaders 0.4.0
shiny 1.7.2
sourcetools 0.1.7
sp 1.5-0
spacetime 1.2-8
spatialreg 1.2-5
spatstat 2.3-4
spatstat.core 2.4-4 2.2-0
spatstat.geom 2.4-0
spatstat.linnet 2.3-2
spatstat.random 2.2-0
spatstat.sparse 2.1-1
spatstat.utils 2.3-1
spData 2.0.1
spdep 1.2-5
splancs 2.01-43
stars 0.5-6
stinepack 1.4
storr 1.2.5
stringi 1.7.8
stringr 1.4.1
svglite 2.1.0
svUnit 1.0.6
sys 3.4
systemfonts 1.0.4
tensor 1.5
tensorA 0.36.2
terra 1.6-7
testit 0.13
testthat 3.1.4
textshaping 0.3.6
thor 1.1.2
tibble 3.1.8
tidybayes 3.0.2
tidync 0.2.4
tidyr 1.2.0
tidyselect 1.1.2
tidyverse 1.3.2
timeDate 4021.104
tinytex 0.41
tmap 3.3-3
tmaptools 3.1-1
tseries 0.10-51
tsibble 1.1.2
TTR 0.24.3
tufte 0.12
tzdb 0.3.0
units 0.8-0
urca 1.3-3
urlchecker 1.0.1
usethis 2.1.6
utf8 1.2.2
uuid 1.1-0
V8 4.2.1
vctrs 0.4.1
viridis 0.6.2
viridisLite 0.4.1
visNetwork 2.1.0
vroom 1.5.7
waldo 0.4.0
webshot 0.5.3
whisker 0.4
whoami 1.3.0
widgetframe 0.3.1
withr 2.5.0
wk 0.6.0
xaringan 0.26
xfun 0.32
XML 3.99-0.10
xml2 1.3.3
xopen 1.0.0
xtable 1.8-4
xts 0.12.1
yaml 2.3.5
zip 2.2.0
zoo 1.8-10