Appendix B — Docker Container

We provide a R-focused docker container that can be used in GitHub Actions or other workflows for generating forecasts.

The container eco4cast/rocker-neon4cast can be found on Docker Hub ( eco4cast/rocker-binder also avialable and is the same as eco4cast/rocker-neon4cast but minor differences that are specific for using as a Binder. Both containers are built off the rocker/geospatial:latest image and include Rstudio.

Follow the directions at for launching the container locally from your web browser (requires a local installation of Docker Desktop)

Both containers have the following R packages (including neon4cast specific packages):

           Package    Version
             abind      1.4-5
           anytime      0.3.9
      arrayhelpers      1.1-0
             arrow      9.0.0
           askpass        1.1
        assertthat      0.2.1
            aws.s3     0.3.22
     aws.signature      0.6.0
         backports      1.4.1
         base64enc      0.1-3
             bench      1.1.2
                BH   1.78.0-0
       BiocManager    1.30.18
       BiocVersion     3.15.2
               bit      4.0.4
             bit64      4.0.5
            bitops      1.0-7
              blob      1.2.3
          blogdown       1.11
          bookdown       0.28
              brew      1.0-7
              brio      1.1.3
             broom      1.0.1
             bslib      0.4.0
            cachem      1.0.6
             callr      3.7.2
        cellranger      1.1.0
         checkmate      2.1.0
          classInt      0.4-7
               cli      3.3.0
             clipr      0.8.0
              coda     0.19-4
        colorspace      2.0-3
        commonmark      1.8.0
         contentid     0.0.15
              covr      3.6.0
             cpp11      0.4.2
            crayon      1.5.1
       credentials      1.3.2
             cronR      0.4.2
         crosstalk      1.2.0
              curl      4.3.2
        data.table     1.14.2
               DBI      1.1.3
            dbplyr      2.2.1
            deldir      1.0-6
              desc      1.4.1
          devtools      2.4.4
        DiagrammeR      1.0.9
         dichromat    2.0-0.1
           diffobj      0.3.5
            digest     0.6.29
           distill        1.4
    distributional      0.3.0
            docopt      0.7.1
           downlit      0.4.2
        downloader        0.4
             dplyr     1.0.10
            dtplyr      1.2.2
            duckdb      0.4.0
             e1071     1.7-11
      ecoforecastR      0.1.0
      EFIstandards      0.1.1
          ellipsis      0.3.2
              emld      0.5.1
          evaluate       0.16
              expm    0.999-6
             fable      0.3.2
        fabletools      0.3.2
             fansi      1.0.3
            farver      2.1.1
           fastmap      1.1.0
     flexdashboard      0.6.0
       fontawesome      0.3.0
           forcats      0.5.2
          forecast     8.17.0
          fracdiff      1.5-1
                fs      1.5.2
               fst      0.9.8
           fstcore     0.9.12
            gargle      1.2.0
          generics      0.1.3
         geojsonsf      2.0.3
        geometries      0.2.0
              geoR      1.9-2
         geosphere     1.5-14
              gert      1.7.1
            ggdist      3.2.0
           ggplot2      3.3.6
            ggtext      0.1.1
                gh      1.3.0
          gitcreds      0.1.1
              glue      1.6.2
           goftest      1.2-3
       googledrive      2.0.0
     googlesheets4      1.0.1
         gridExtra        2.3
          gridtext      0.1.4
             gstat      2.0-9
            gtable      0.3.1
            gtools      3.9.3
             haven      2.5.1
             hdf5r      1.3.5
        HDInterval      0.2.2
             highr        0.9
               hms      1.1.2
         htmltools      0.5.3
       htmlwidgets      1.5.4
            httpuv      1.6.5
              httr      1.4.4
               ids      1.0.1
            igraph      1.3.4
          imputeTS        3.2
               ini      0.3.1
         intervals     0.15.2
           isoband      0.2.5
           ISOweek      0.6-2
              jpeg      0.1-9
               jqr      1.2.3
         jquerylib      0.1.4
           jsonify      1.2.1
            jsonld        2.2
          jsonlite      1.8.0
             knitr       1.40
          labeling      0.4.2
            Lahman     10.0-1
             later      1.3.0
          lazyeval      0.2.2
            leafem      0.2.0
           leaflet      2.1.1
 leaflet.providers      1.9.0
           leafpop      0.1.0
          leafsync      0.1.0
        LearnBayes     2.15.1
              lidR      4.0.1
         lifecycle      1.0.1
           littler     0.3.15
            lmtest     0.9-40
         lubridate      1.8.0
            lwgeom      0.2-8
          magrittr      2.0.3
           mapdata      2.3.0
              maps      3.4.0
          maptools      1.1-4
           mapview     2.11.0
          markdown        1.1
       matrixStats     0.62.0
           memoise      2.0.1
              mime       0.12
            modelr      0.1.9
           munsell      0.5.0
             ncdf4       1.19
            ncmeta      0.3.0
         neon4cast      0.1.0
         neonstore      0.4.4
          numDeriv 2016.8-1.1
      nycflights13      1.0.2
           openssl      2.0.2
           packrat      0.8.1
            pillar      1.8.1
          pkgbuild      1.3.1
         pkgconfig      2.0.3
           pkgdown      2.0.6
           pkgload      1.3.0
             plogr      0.2.0
              plyr      1.8.7
               png      0.1-7
          polyclip     1.10-0
         posterior      1.3.0
            praise      1.0.0
       prettyunits      1.1.1
          processx      3.7.0
           profmem      0.6.0
           profvis      0.3.7
          progress      1.2.2
         progressr     0.10.1
             proj4     1.0-11
              prov      0.0.1
             proxy     0.4-27
                ps      1.7.1
             purrr      0.3.4
          quadprog      1.5-8
          quantmod     0.4.20
       R.methodsS3      1.8.2
              R.oo     1.25.0
           R.utils     2.12.0
              r2d3      0.2.6
                R6      2.5.1
              ragg      1.2.2
        rapidjsonr      1.2.0
          rappdirs      0.3.3
            raster     3.5-29
         rcmdcheck      1.4.0
      RColorBrewer      1.1-3
              Rcpp      1.0.9
             RCurl   1.98-1.8
         read4cast      0.0.2
             readr      2.1.2
            readxl      1.4.1
           redland  1.0.17-16
           rematch      1.0.1
          rematch2      2.1.2
           remotes      2.4.2
              renv     0.15.5
            reprex      2.0.2
               rex      1.2.1
             rgdal     1.5-32
             rgeos      0.5-9
               rgl    0.109.6
             rhdf5     2.40.0
      rhdf5filters      1.8.0
          Rhdf5lib     1.18.2
             rjags       4-13
             rJava      1.0-6
             rlang      1.0.5
              rlas      1.6.0
          RMariaDB      1.2.2
         rmarkdown       2.16
         rmdshower      2.1.1
           RNetCDF      2.6-1
          roxygen2      7.2.1
         RPostgres      1.4.4
         rprojroot      2.0.3
         rsconnect     0.8.27
           RSQLite     2.2.16
        rstudioapi       0.14
           rticles       0.24
         rversions      2.1.1
             rvest      1.0.3
                s2      1.1.0
              sass      0.4.2
         satellite      1.0.4
            scales      1.2.1
      scoringRules      1.0.1
           selectr      0.4-2
             servr       0.24
       sessioninfo      1.2.2
                sf      1.0-8
         sfheaders      0.4.0
             shiny      1.7.2
       sourcetools      0.1.7
                sp      1.5-0
         spacetime      1.2-8
        spatialreg      1.2-5
          spatstat      2.3-4
     spatstat.core      2.4-4      2.2-0
     spatstat.geom      2.4-0
   spatstat.linnet      2.3-2
   spatstat.random      2.2-0
   spatstat.sparse      2.1-1
    spatstat.utils      2.3-1
            spData      2.0.1
             spdep      1.2-5
           splancs    2.01-43
             stars      0.5-6
         stinepack        1.4
             storr      1.2.5
           stringi      1.7.8
           stringr      1.4.1
           svglite      2.1.0
            svUnit      1.0.6
               sys        3.4
       systemfonts      1.0.4
            tensor        1.5
           tensorA     0.36.2
             terra      1.6-7
            testit       0.13
          testthat      3.1.4
       textshaping      0.3.6
              thor      1.1.2
            tibble      3.1.8
         tidybayes      3.0.2
            tidync      0.2.4
             tidyr      1.2.0
        tidyselect      1.1.2
         tidyverse      1.3.2
          timeDate   4021.104
           tinytex       0.41
              tmap      3.3-3
         tmaptools      3.1-1
           tseries    0.10-51
           tsibble      1.1.2
               TTR     0.24.3
             tufte       0.12
              tzdb      0.3.0
             units      0.8-0
              urca      1.3-3
        urlchecker      1.0.1
           usethis      2.1.6
              utf8      1.2.2
              uuid      1.1-0
                V8      4.2.1
             vctrs      0.4.1
           viridis      0.6.2
       viridisLite      0.4.1
        visNetwork      2.1.0
             vroom      1.5.7
             waldo      0.4.0
           webshot      0.5.3
           whisker        0.4
            whoami      1.3.0
       widgetframe      0.3.1
             withr      2.5.0
                wk      0.6.0
          xaringan       0.26
              xfun       0.32
               XML  3.99-0.10
              xml2      1.3.3
             xopen      1.0.0
            xtable      1.8-4
               xts     0.12.1
              yaml      2.3.5
               zip      2.2.0
               zoo     1.8-10